why register as a breeder?
Increase Your Kitten Enquiries
Registered Pets attract genuinely interested owners for your kittens who are looking to find the right pet for their home. Breeders have seen up to an 80% increase in enquiries since being listed on Registered Pets.
Enquiries are from owners who are looking for a genuine and reputable breeder, unlike some listing websites which only attract customers via pictures of existing litters. You can be confident that the enquiries are wanting to chose you as a breeder, and not just for a pretty kitten picture.
all breeders are checked thoroughly
Registered Pets is run by an experienced Ragdoll Breeder registered with GCCF who knows too well the issues with backyard breeders, and sometimes even registered breeders. All breeders listed must hold a prefix, have experience breeding, have had at least 2 litters, register kittens and vaccinate them as a very minimum.
We promise to vet every single breeder listed to ensure they are genuine, reputable and ethical in their breeding practice. We vet each applicant thoroughly before approving any listing.
we work hard to promote the message around unethical breeding
We are working tirelessly to spread awareness around the huge problem with backyard breeding and unethical breeding in the UK.
Along with charity online cat shows, fundraising, and advertising, all of the money is put directly back into promoting the website and pushing this message out to the wider audience of new owners seeking a new kitten or cat.
Register Your Interest To Be Listed As a Breeder
If you wish to be listed on this website, please fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
There is a small admin fee of £28 per breeder per year, to be listed on this website.
This fee is not for profit and is to cover the running of the website and helps us promote the message of the importance of choosing a registered breeder for your cats and to help us in our fight to end backyard breeders. All profit is put back into the cause of bringing an end to unregistered breeding.
**All breeders on this website must hold a prefix, have experience breeding, have had at least 2 litters, register kittens and vaccinate them as a very minimum. Please note that if any claims are made against a breeder, including complaints to us, complaints that are proven with the governing body and disciplinary action taken you will automatically be removed from this website. We do NOT accept any breeders who break rules, this even covers if you are found selling registered and unregistered pets at the same time. We reserve the right to remove a breeder.