Registered Asian Cat Breeders
Asians are well known as 'Dog Cats'. They love to play, will greet you at the door when you come home, and are always excited by whatever their humans are doing. They share the love amongst their family and any visitors that come by and enjoy making new friends. They usually live happily in multi-cat and multi-animal households, getting on well with their own breed, other breeds, dogs and children! They adapt well to your routine and will happily entertain themselves if you need some space. Asians come in a wide variety of patterns and colours, as well as short and semi-long haired (known as Tiffanies). Asians are a great addition to any household regardless of the age of the owner and their family set up.
The Asian Group of cats consists of five varieties: Self, which includes the Bombay (Black Self) plus other recognised self and tortie colours; Asian Smoke; Asian Shaded, called Burmilla; Asian Tabby, which includes Ticked, Mackerel, Spotted and Classic tabby patterns, and the semi-longhaired version.
Section 5 - Group 2
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