Registered Abyssinian
Cat Breeders
The Abyssinian is one of the top five most popular cat breeds world-wide. It is a medium to large short haired cat with a lithe and muscular feel to it. The Abyssinian is a fabulous to look at with its large ears, some resembling a lynx, its large rounded almond shaped eyes and beautiful face markings all of which combine to give a wild but gentle expression. It is medium to large in build.
Section 4 - Foreign - Group 1

Information About Abyssinian Cats
History of Abyssinian
The Abyssinian cat was first recognised by the GCCF in 1929. The Abyssinian is on of the top five most popular cat breeds. With it being a medium to short haired cat with a muscular feel about it. They are a medium to large build, nothing about the Abyssinian breed is extreme.
Appearance and Colours
The overall appearance of the Abyssinian is like a ‘wild’ cat, muscular body, the coat is short, fine and soft. The Abyssinian is now bred in many colours and more details can be found on the club website.
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